Creation and promotion of a new Journal

Posted by Dale Reardon, community karma 77



I have only just found this amazing new platform and service and I think it will dramatically help the open access movement.


My query relates to the creation and promotion of a new journal.


I have a niche area of the law and social research in mind so I think there is room for the journal.


However how do you get / persuade academics to publish in a new journal when your journal has no impact factors, no established track record, no record of citations, no established reading audience etc?


Do you allow the joint publication of articles, no publication fees for first 12 months for example, or what could be some other avenues?


I'm willing to put my time in but wonder how easy or hard it might be to get a new journal off the ground? 


Its wonderful to have the publishing platform but the journal needs to become respected by the academic community in order to thrive.





over 12 years ago


Brian Cody, community karma 169472

Based on talking to current editors and people interested in the field, here is my read of what the most important steps are for the first year or so:

  1. Put together a high-quality board of editors who will help manage the journal as well as help solicit articles and promote the new journal
  2. Put together a really high-quality board of willing reviewers who may not be as involved, but agree to have their name associated with the journal and help write reviews
  3. Decide what software to use (I humbly suggest Scholastica)
  4. Register for an eISSN
  5. Establish your costs and a viable economic model (I would check out this great page from OASIS)
  6. Establish your review, copyediting, and layout process
  7. Decide what indexes you want to (eventually) be included in, and contact those indexes to know what the content and technical requirements are (for example: PubMed's technical requirements and ejournal requirements)
  8. Announce your journal at a large field-related event, and tout all the big names you have
  9. Publish your first issue, and advertise its contents to scholars in your field
  10. Activily solicit submissions for the next issue
  11. Publish more issues
  12. Expand indexing and citation tracking of your journal to both evaluate and improve your readership abd ranking


For further reading:

over 12 years ago
Wow - that was a really detailed and helpful answer. Thanks ever so much, Dale.
Dale Reardon – over 12 years ago
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Bill Gross, community karma 47

You have some important advantages.  The most important is that it doesn't cost you much to publish. 


I plan to obtain submissions from authors who have already published their article in another Journal.


That way, you can collect some cool stuff in your article, and, hopefully, get some people to read their stuff off of your Journal, rather than the original.

over 12 years ago
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Lawrence Bowdish, community karma 347


While I cannot say much specifically about putting together a law journal, I think that one route you may want to go is to go as academically broad as possible without giving up quality and pursuing authors outside of the legal world.  I am sure that there are a number of political scientists, historians, economists, etc., who would be interested in spreading their publishing experience.

Best of luck!

over 12 years ago
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Abdessamad MOUZOUNE, community karma 125

I can’t speculate concrete answer  while I feel you’re in the right place. I just would like to underline that Scholastica is not only about law, social science and humanities. I think science, medicine and technology journals initiatives are also welcome.


over 12 years ago
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Dale Reardon, community karma 77

Thanks for the feedback thus far - keep it coming please.


One other thing I thought of is whether it would be better to do a new journal through a University affiliation or through just myself.  Maybe attaching to the established name of a University would lend credibility and prestige but that also means giving up control and power.




over 12 years ago
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Dale Reardon, community karma 77

Also wondering if anyone knows of Journal by laws, regulations, policies that might be able to borrow to use as a template?  Even paid ones would be fine.


Helps to have a starting point and don't want to copy someone's in breach of copyright without their permission.


Maybe the Open Access movement has some sample ones to use?






over 12 years ago
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Dale Reardon, community karma 77

Also wondering if anyone knows of Journal by laws, regulations, policies that might be able to borrow to use as a template?  Even paid ones would be fine.


Helps to have a starting point and don't want to copy someone's in breach of copyright without their permission.


Maybe the Open Access movement has some sample ones to use?






over 12 years ago
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